Saturday 9 November 2013

Hello again, hello...

2007. That's a long time. Much water flowed under my bridge. Created 2 beautiful kids. Created a business. Closed a business. One enormous financial crash (Iceland's). Various personal ups and downs (I don't think of myself as anyone special in this regard, as the older I get, the more I realise that everyone has their own crises and shit-storms to deal with...).

 And now, I am back in Blogland. Why? I am rather surprised, I admit. "The Blog" was, until recently, thought to be a dying medium. Everything is now Facebook and Twitter. Well, I have become frustrated with the limitations of Facebook. There is just so much information flowing through there, much of it very jolly, very "now", very personal. Yet, you try to off-load some of your feelings and thoughts about important events going on in your world, such as economic and political issues, then Facebook is often not up to it. It is really just for keeping up to date with family and friends and for commenting on some huge worldwide events.

 So then. From now on, I will offload my deeper thoughts here. Writing is good for me. And I like to discuss ideas and events with others who also need to try to make sense of life's craziness. Much of what will make it to these pages will relate to Iceland, as this is my home and I feel that at least talking about stuff may make some slight difference to the way things are up here. Sometimes, I may write about I trip I've been on, sharing some photos and travel advice. I may even write a review of a daytour. I could even do interviews, more journalism style pieces.

Lets see what happens. But I will definitely use facebook and maybe Twitter, for spreading the word about this blog. Iceland is cool. Many more people are now visiting us. And many more are fascinated by this island's culture, nature and people. I will provide my open, honest views and opinions on anything that I deem important enough. You may not like to read the truth behind the hype, but, sometimes it drives me nuts to read blatant untruths, particularly regarding Iceland's economic "miracle recovery". Believe me, we are still in deep doo-doo up here. More about that soon. Now? I go to bed.


Annie said...

Blogging! It's back. I'm going to start again as soon as... As soon as I have my next personal crisis. Can't wait!

Lovely to see you back xx

Where is Kelso? said...

Ah, it seems like only yesterday that we were msn'ing across the dining room table...

Mine is not a personal crisis - its an Iceland crisis - political and economic situation up here is worrying the crap out of me.

More soon x